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Fadhlillah, Khairina and , Dewi Candraningrum, Ph.D ; Dual Personality Of Dr. Jekyll In The Novel Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson: A Psychoanalitic Perspective.
Fakhomah, Desy Nur and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; An Analysis on English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris Based on Tomlinson's Theory.
Fitri Astuti, Sonia and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum. ; Politeness Strategies of Suggesting Utterances by the First Semester Students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Fitria, Indah Musfirotul and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; Coping With Difficulties In Teaching Speaking For Students Of Department Of English Education Of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta In 2016 Academic Year.
Fitria, Zakiyatul and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D. ; Teacher Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary to The Eighth Grade Students In Extracurricular Program At MTs N II Surakarta.
Gintarani, Tigar Gumilang Tian ; Social Mobility In Shaw’s Arms And The Man (1894):A Marxist Analysis.
HARJANTO, BAYU TRIWI and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho ; Anxiety Of Scrooge In Charles Dickens’s Novel A Christmas Carol And Other Holiday Treasures (1843): A Psychoanalytic Approach.
HIDAYAH, Hana Nur and , Dr. Muhammad Thoyibi, M. S., ; Influence Of Environment On Different Personality Of The Twins In Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl ;: A Behaviorism Perspective.
Handayani, Kinanthi Wahyu and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum. ; The Politeness Strategies of Criticizing Utterance by The Students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Handayani, Puspa tri and , Dr. Muhammad Thoyibi, M.S., ; Social Mobility Reflected In Anton Chekhov’sthe Cherry Orchard (1903): Marxist Approach.
Hanim, Anisa Silfia and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto M.A., Ph.D. ; Impoliteness Used In Ted Movie.
Harrifqi Sami, M. Sulthanuddin and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Strategies Applied By Students To Cope With The Problems In Listening Class : A Case Study In Department Of English Education Of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta In 2017 Academic Year.
Hati, Pratiwi Indah Permata and , M.Hum Dr. Dwi Haryanti ; Analysis On Shift In English - Indonesian Subtitling Of Freedom Writers Film.
Indah Purwaningsih, Novita and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; Questions Used By The Characters In Frozen Movie Manuscript.
Indah Sukmawati, Cahyaningtyas and , Dr. Maryadi.MA ; A Contrastive Study Between British And American English: Morphological Perspective.
Indrianingsih, Elya and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum. ; A Pragmalinguistics Analysis of Anger Expressions in the Crime Movies.
Indriyani, Epin Tisna and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Criticism Against the High Rate of Divorce in Nicholas Sparks’s The Last Song (2009) Novel: A Sociological Perspective.
Jamilah, Siti Khusnul and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S, ; Homicide Phenomena Reflected In Patrick Suskind’s Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer Novel (1985): A Sociological Perspective.
Jati, Ambar and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M.Hum. ; Functional Analysis of Narrative Texts in Elementary School Textbook Fly with English.
Jati Sutami, Pebri and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; An Investigation Of Student’s Experience Joining English Tutorial Program (Etp) At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
KURNIAWATY, IMMA and , Nur Hidayat M.Pd. ; An Analysis Of Teacher’s Technique On Speaking Class At Second Grade Of SMP N 1 Karangdowo.
Kahar, Fitrah Abdul and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum ; Defense Mechanism Of Amba Reflected In Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Questions Of Red Novels ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Karismawati, Nunung and , Prof. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; Errors In Spoken Production Made By Accounting Department Students In English Tutorial Program (ETP) Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Kartini, Kartini and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S, ; The Importance Of Altruism For Happiness Of Others In Nicholas Sparks Dear John Novel (2006) : A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Khasanah, Dianita Nur and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; Teaching Speaking By Using Pictorial Flashcardsto The Seventh Grade Students Of Smp Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Khasnawati, Kharisma and , Titis Setyabudi, M. Hum, ; Social Discrimination Against Minority Reflected In Okky Madasari’s Novel The Outcast ;: A Marxist Analysis.
Khoiriyah, Nidaul and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; Woman Existence Reflected In Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Questions Of Red Novels ;: A Liberal Feminist Approach.
Khoirunnisa, Febrian Romadhonni and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; The Use Of Swear Words In Deadpool Movie: A Sociopragmatic Study.
Kholifah, Probo Swastikaning and , Fitri Kurniawan, M.Res.Ed ; Teaching Speaking Skill Through Debate To The Third Semester Of Undergraduate Students At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta In 2016/ 2017 Academic Year. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muuhammadiyah Surakarta.
Kismadi, Wendi Wiranata and , Dra. Muamaroh, M.Hum.,Ph.D ; A Subtitling Analysis On Expressive Utterance On The Born To Race Movie And Its Subtitling.
Kur'Anna, Vita and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; Intrasystem Shift Analysis In The Maze Runner Novel By Yunita Candra.
Kurniatun, Dewi and , Muamaroh, Ph.D and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Authentic Assessment In Writing Class For The Student Of 11TH Grade In SMA Al Firdaus And SMA N 2 Sukoharjo. Thesis thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Kurniawan, Muhammad Harry and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum ; Maleficent’s Depression In Change Of Personality: A Psychoanalytic Study On The Curse Of Maleficent Novel ;.
Kurniawati, Yulia and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. ; The Implementation of Task and Student's Response at The Tenth Grade of Senior High School in Prawira Marta, Kartasura. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Lestari, Leni and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Teaching Techniques Used By Teacher To Develop Students’ Vocabulary At The Second Grade Of Smp N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Lutfianto, Mochamad Rizal and , Dra. Malikatul Laila M.Hum ; An Analysis of Transitivity in the Song Lyrics from the Album 'Hotel California'.
Mar'atus Sholikhah, Ali and , Drs. Sigit Haryanto, M.Hum ; The Characteristic of Base Attached by Affixes {-ion, -tion, -ation, -sion} in Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary New Edition.
Maulana, Rifki and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M. Hum, ; A Semantic Analysis of Metaphor Found in Selected Lyrics of “The Script”, “Katy Perry”, and “Michael BublĂ©”.
Maurilla, Azhari Kurnia Dewi and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum ; Rebellion Reflected In The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel (2008-2010) By Suzanne Collins : A Marxist Approach.
Milda, Titis Alycia and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; The Defense Mechanism of Mildred Baldwin in Eugene O'Neill's Recklessness (1913): a Psychoanalytic Approach.
Mujtahid, Nito Majid and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed ; Behavior Control Reflected In Okky Madasari’s The Years Of The Voiceless Novel ;: An Individual Psychological Approach.
Mulia Dewi, Erlita and , Prof. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning For The Teaching Of English At SMA N 2 Klaten In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Mulyandari, Wredhatri and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M. Hum, ; Turn Taking Analysis In ‘Pitch Perfect 1’ Movie 2012.
Mulyani, Sri and , Dewi Candraningrum, Ph.D ; Virginity Reflected in Ayu Utami's Saman Novel (1998): A Feminist Approach.
Munawaroh, Siti and , Nur Hidayat S.Pd., M.Pd., ; The Strategies Used By The Teacher In Developing Students’ Confidence In Speaking Skill In Grade 8 Of Warga Junior High School Surakarta 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Mustikawati, Nawang and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; Students’ Perceptions of Writing Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Sambi Boyolali in 2016/2017 Academic Year : Descriptive Qualitative Approach.
Ningsih, Ayu Mustika and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M. Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini S.Pd., M.Pd ; A Translation Shift Of Verb Phrase In The Giver Novel And Its Translation.
Ningsih, Sinta Putri and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; Classroom Techniques Used by English Teacher in Inquiry Based Learning: Naturalistic Study at SMP Negeri 2 Karanganom.
Nisa, Kamilatun and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; A Call For Concern In Global Warming In Jostein Gaarder's The World According to Anna Novel ;: A Sociological Perspective.
Novia Adella, Rizka and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Code Of Chivalry In Knut Hamsun’s Hunger Novel (1921): A Sociological Analysis.
Nugraheni, Fitrilia Ayu and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Teacher's Techniques For Developing Students' Grammatical Ability At Eleventh Grade Of Sma N 1 Cepogo.
Nugroho, Dwi Yuli and , Dr. Muhammad Thoyibi, M.S ; Protest Against Oppression Reflected In Sandra Brown’s Rainwater Novel (2009): A Sociological Approach.
Nugroho, Eko and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum., ; An Analysis Of Complaining Strategies Used By The Characters In The Film Entitled Ender’s Game.
Nur Alvianty, Nierma Yuniar and , Dra. Muamaroh, M.Hum.,Ph.D ; An Analysis Subtitling Strategy of Interrogative Sentence Used in The Pursuit of Happyness Movie.
Nur Hidayati, Farida and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; Process Of Teaching Writing To Prospective Teachers At The Fourth Semester Of Department Of English Education At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Nuraeni, Anis and Dr. Maryadi, Dr. Maryadi M.A ; Figurative Language In The Poems Of Jalaluddin Rumi : A Sociolinguistic Perspective.
Nuraini, Sholihah Dwi and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum ; Politeness Strategies Of Inviting Utterances By English Department Students Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Nurhasanah, Hanifah and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M. Ed, ; Hypocrisy of Victorian Morality Reflected In A Woman Of No Importance (1893)By Oscar Wilde: A Sociological Approach.
Nurhayati, Eka and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S., ; Child Perspective Of The World Reflected In Emma Donoghue's Room ; Novel: A Sociological Approach.
Nurjanah, Niftah and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho, M. Hum. ; Weird Behaviour of Peter: An Existentialist study on Jostein Gaarder's The Ringmaster's Daughter Novel (2001).
Oktaviana, Choiril Berlian and , Fitri Kurniawan M.Ed.Res. ; Phenomenological Investigation on the Academic Experience of International Palestinian Student Studying at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Oriza, Fatma Rochmalia and , Qanitah Masykuroh, S.S., M.Hum ; The Depiction Of Islamic Princess In Children’s Books: A Transitivity Analysis.
PRATIWI, RISKA ENDAH and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Woman As A Rational Being In Thomas Hardy’s Far From The Madding Crowd (1874): A Feminist Approach.
Panggah Widodo, Muhamad and Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum,, S.Pd., M.Ed. ; “Hermaphrodite Reflected In Jennifer Eugenides’s Middlesex (2002): A Queer Approach”.
Permatasari, Afelia Intan and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum. ; A Socio-pragmatic Analysis of Women Expressive Utterances in Bad Moms Movie.
Permatasari, Mei Intan and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Cultural Change Reflected In Arthur Miller s Death Of A Salesman Drama (1949): A Sociological Approach.
Prajayani, Sevina Anindia and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Improving Quality of Life in Mitch Albom's Memoir: Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, A Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson (2006): Humanistic Psychological Perspectives.
Prasetyani, Nur and , Nur Hidayat M.Pd ; Techniques Used by the Teacher in Teaching Reading to the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatisrono.
Prasetyaningtyas, Puspita Mahardhika and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum., ; Pragmatic Analysis Of Expressive Utterances In Aristocratic Drama Manuscript.
Prasetyo, Dwi and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Determination For Getting Justice In Jackie Collins’s The Love Killer Novel (1989):A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Prastiwi, Eistiyah and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum, E, Mdas ; Anxiety Of Saman In Ayu Utami’s Saman Novel (1998): A Psychoanalytic Approch.
Pratama, Dicky Aditya and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D ; A Naturalistic Study Of Teaching Writing To The Eighth Grade Students In SMP N 1 Sambi 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Pratiwi, Ajeng and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum , S.Pd., M.Ed ; Single Parenthood Reflected At The Kite Runner Novel By Khaled Hosseini (2003): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Pratiwi, Ariyani and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S., ; Influence Of Parenting Style On The Developmentof Adolescentpersonality Reflected In J.K Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy ;: A Behaviourist Approach.
Pratiwi, Mutia and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; A Pragmatic Equivalence Analysis of Speech Acts in Zootopia Movie and Its Subtitling.
Pratiwi, Wenny and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; The Effect of PowerPoint Presentation Based on the Students' Score in Grammatical Competence to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Simo.
Puji Astuti, Purwanti and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Cooperative Script: A Collaborative Research At The Eight Grade Of SMP N 1 Nguter In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Puji Lestari, Endang and , Dr. M. Thoyibi M.S ; Readers’ Expectation To Movie Adaptation: Reader Response Analysis On Nick Cassavetes My Sister’s Keeper Movie (2009).
Pujiyanti, Tri and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto M.A., Ph.D. ; Imperatives Used By The Characters In Captain America Movie.
Purbasari, Grafika Faradina and , Drs. Sridjono, M.Hum ; Developing Listening Skill Using Video Of The Twelveth Grade Students At MAN Purwodadi In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Puspitasari, Dara and , Prof.Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; An Analysis Of Communication Strategies Used By English Tutorial Program Students In Speaking Class: Naturalistic Study At Departement Of Accounting Education At Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Puspitasari, Firda Budi and , Titis Setyabudi S.S., M.Hum ; The Motivation To Chase A Dream Of Main Character In The Novel The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho (1988): Individual Psychology Analysis.
Putri, Arditasari and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; An Analysis Of Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text At Etp’s Students Of Accounting Education.
Putri, Grahita Mahardina and , Dr. Dwi Harjanti, M.Hum ; A Subtitling Analysis Of The Girl On The Train ; Movie.
Putri, Hj. Fadilah Harahab and , Titis Setyabudi, M.Hum ; The Meaning Of Love Reflected In Nichola Sparks s Dear John Novel (2006) A Psychoanalytic Analysis.
RAHAYUNINGTYAS, SUSI PURWATI and , Mr. Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum ; Holly’s Struggle For A Better Life : An Individual Psychological Study On Ahern’s Novel P.S. I Love You .
Rachmanzah, Gillang Nur and , Aryati Prasetyarini , S. Pd, M. Pd. and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M. Hum ; Learners Perspective On The Teaching Techniques Apllied By The Native And Non-Native Teachers In English Department Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta In 2014/2015 Academic Year.
Rahayu, Retno and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M.Hum ; An Analysis of Theme on Selected Taylor Swift's Song Lyrics.
Rahayu, Titis Sri and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Katnis Everdeen’s Ambition In The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel (2008 – 2010) By Suzanne Collins: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Rahayuni, Meria Indah and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; Struggle To Tell The Truth: An Individual Psychological Study On The Girl On The Train Novel.
Rahayuningsih, Ibnu Dwy and , Titis Setyabudi, M. Hum ; Racial Injustice Reflected In Haper Lee’s Go Set A Watchman Novel ;: A Marxist Criticism.
Rahmawati, Andriana and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho. M. Hum ; Pro-Westernization Reflected In Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul Memoir (2003) : A Post-Colonial Approach.
Rejiansyah, Irfan and , Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Phil. Dr. ; Rebellion Reflected In Veronica Roth’s Divergent ;: A Marxist Theory.
Renaldi, Andhika and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; The Defense Mechanism of Ivan Petrovich Voynitsky In Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya Script (1899): A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Rieza, Nia and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; The Translation Shift Analysis Of Verb Phrase Of The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho.
Rinna, Gendhis Af and , Titis SetyaBudi, S. S., M.Hum ; Existence Of Human Being As Reflected In Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man And The Sea Novel (1952): An Existentialist Approach.
Rofiah, NUr and , Dr. Anam Sutopo ; A Subtitle Analysis Of Direction Utterances In Insidious Movie.
Romadani, Putri and , Aryati Prasetyarini,S.Pd, M.Pd and , Hepy Adityarini, Ph.D, ; Process Of The Teaching Speaking In Power Speaking Program At “Gama English Course”.
Ros, Febrya Isyana and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S., ; Criticism Of Social Injustice Reflected In Victor Hugo's Les Miserables(1862):A Sociological Approach.
Rusharyani, Aprilia Aldear and , Dewi Candraningrum, Ph.D ; The Aspect Of Lesbianism Of Celie Reflected In Alice Walker The Color Purple Novel (1982): A Feminist Approach.
SINTA ARDANARI, MARIA and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; A Phenomenological Study On How Student Experience And Perception “The Internship Program” At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
SRI UTAMI, MELATI and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph. D ; English Teaching Techniques Used by the Sixth Semester Students of DEE UMS in Microteaching Class.
SULASMI, Sulasmi and , Aryati Prasetyarini S. Pd, M. Pd ; Good English Teacher Characteristics As Perceived By The Seventh Semester Students Of English Education Departement, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Santosa, Aulia Wahyu and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; The Subtitling Analysis Of Expressive Utterances In Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie.
Saputra, Aprian Dwi and , Dra.Sigit Haryanto,M.Hum ; Figurative Language Used In Begin Again Movie By John Carney.
Saputri, Devica Hilara Pingkan and , Dewi Candraningrum,Phil. ; Motherhood Reflected in Veronica Roth's Divergent Novel ;: A Feminist Perspective. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Saputri, Weni and , Drs. Sigit Haryanto,M.Hum ; A Pragmatic Analysis Of Directive Utterances Found In Holy Qur'an Chapter Al- Mu'minun.
Saraswati, Shalindri and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; Strategies Applied By English Teacher To Encourage Students To Speak At Tenth Grade Of Senior High School 3 Sukoharjo In Academic Year 2016/2017.
Sari, Nur Ria and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Teaching Strategies Used By Tutor In English Tutorial Program (ETP) For Students At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Saroh, Lina Mey and , Drs. Agus Budi Wahyudi, M.Hum. ; Partisipan, Bentuk Dan Unsur Dalam Testimoni Dan Implementasinya Sebagai Materi Ajar Bahasa Indonesia.
Satiti Hapsari, Tia and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. and , Siti Fatimah, M. Hum. ; The Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Speaking To The Eighth Grade Students At Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Sekarsari, Giandira and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. ; Teacher’s Feedback Technique In Teaching Descriptive Text To The Eight Grade Students Of SMP N 2 Banyudono In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Sharliz, Alifea Asanuary and , Prof. Dr. Hj. Endang Fauziati ; Classroom Interaction In English Speaking Class: A Naturalistic Study At Queen English Course Karanganyar.
Sholechah, Nuraini ridi and , Nur Hidayat M.Pd. ; The Effectiveness Of Using Think, Talk, Write (Ttw) In Teaching Writing Skill To The Seventh Grade Student Of Mts N 2 Surakarta.
Sofyan Susanto, Ali and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd., M.Pd. ; An Analysis Of Descriptive Text Written By The 8th Grade Students Of Smp 1 Muhammadiyah Pati In 2015/2016 Academic Year. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Bahasa Inggris.
Suciati, Ananda Titis and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Protest Against Child Bullying In Rainbow Rowells’ Eleanor & Park ;: A Sociological Perspective.
Sudamtoko, Hemix Gatut and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; The Need For Kepping Hope Reflected In Mitch Albom s The First Phone Call From Heaven ; Sociological Approach.
Sulistya Pambudi, Wahyu and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. ; Classroom Techniques In Teaching Speaking To The 7th Grade Students Of Smp N 2 Banyudono In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Sundari, Eka and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi,M.Hum ; Implicature Of Request Expressions In Animation Movie Script Entitled Finding Nemo.
Susanti, Irma Febri and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S, M.Hum. ; The Courage Of Nick Reflected In Lisa Kleypes’s Worth Any Price Novel (2003) : An Individual Psychological Approach.
Tafsir, Muhammad and , Dr. Maryadi, M.A. ; Commanding Utterances Used In The Noble Qur’an Chapter Ta-Ha: A Pragmatic Perspective.
Taqwawan, Fathoni Saktia and , Dra. Muamaroh, M.Hum., Ph.D ; A Subtitling Analysis of Transactional Speech in The Last Samurai Movie.
Taufiq, Yaumil Amalia and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; The Use of Taboo Words in War Dogs movie ;: A Sociopragmatic Study.
Tiyana, Nino Daisy and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed, ; English Teaching Understood By Teacher Of Inclusive Class “A Phenomenological Approach”.
Tri Lutfia Fefrilia, Andan and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum., ; Struggle Against Cancer Reflected In John Green’s The Fault In Our Star Novel ;:An Individual Psychological Approach.
Trijayanti, Whenny and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Anxiety Reflected In Gillian Flynn’s Dark Places (2009): A Psychoanalytic Perspective.
Usroh, Laila Najmatul and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; Subtitling strategies Use In American Ultra ; Movie By Wiji Joko.
Utami, Putri and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Love Affair Reflected In Paula Hawkins’ The Girl On The Train ;: A Psychoanalytic Study.
Wahyu Hidayat, Irfan and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; The Techniques For Teaching Vocabulary At SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta In 2016-2017 Academic Year.
Wahyulistyono, Jendro and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Racial Conflict In Michael Punke’s The Revenant Novel (2002): A Sociological Perspective.
Wahyuni, Sri and Titis Setyabudi,, Titis Setyabudi, S.S.,M.Hum ; Love And Hope Reflected In Gayle Forman’s If I Stay Novel (2009):An Individual Psychological Approach.
Wahyuningsih, Ita Setyo and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Bullying Reflected In Okky Madasari’s Bound Novel ;: A Psychoanalytic Analysis.
Wardani, Lasmitha and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Methods of Teaching and Learning Process in English Tutorial Program (ETP) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Wardhana, Bayu and , Dr. M. Thoyibi. M.S. ; Coping With Children Bullying Reflected In Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist(1838): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Widayat, Ilham and Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum ; Struggle For Life Of The Major Character In Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes (2009): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Widayat, Paramitha Fitriana and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; The Application of Guided Writing To Enhance Ability in Writing Procedure Texts of the Eleventh Grade Students at SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/ 2017 Academic Year.
Widiawanti, Wiwit and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; The Illocutionary Meanings Of Questions In Life Is Beautiful Movie.
Widiawati, Faradita and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Power Relations Reflected In George Bernard Shaw’s Drama Caesar And Cleopatra (1898):A Sociological Approach.
Widyastuti, Anggi and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S.,M.Hum ; The Absurdity Of Being As Reflected In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis Novella (1915): An Existentialism Approach.
Widyastuti, Novia Rekno ; Portrayal of Muslim Community and Culture Reflected in Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist (1988): A Sociological Approach Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Wiharyanti, Hanik and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S.,M.Hum ; Behavior Disorder Of Rachel Reflected In Paula Hawkins The Girl On The Train ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Willyadrian, Renalda and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum. ; Translation Techniques Of Ellipsis In Conversation Found In The Twilight Novel By Lily Devita Sari.
Windya Putri Rezqiana, Dwieke and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Interreligious Friendship Reflected In John Green’s An Abundance Of katherines(2006): A Sociological Approach.
Wulandari, Hikmah and , Titis Setyabudi, S.Si., M.A ; The Spirit Of Survival Of Mark Watney Reflected In Andy Weir’s The Martian Novel ;: An Individual Psychologystudy.
Wuryantini, Yuni and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; Politeness Strategy Of Request Used In “You’ve Got Mail” Movie.
Yuliawan, Dwi Nanda and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Human Rights Reflected in Flowers for Algernon (1966) Novel by Daniel Keyes: A Sociological Approach.
Yusenda, Martha and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum ; A Pragmatic Analysis Of Commissive Utterance Used In Republican Debate In Miami On March 10, 2016.
Yusitasari, Ita Auliya ; The Politeness Strategy of Directive Utterances Used by the Students in Sahid Tourism Institute of Surakarta: A Pragmatic Perspective. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Yusra, Ahmad and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Freedom to Choose Reflected In Okky Madasari’s Bound Novel ;: An Existentialism Approach.
Zulfa, Nisa'u and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; Demotivation To Learn English Among Senior High School Student At Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 8 Surakarta.
, Fitriasari and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Classroom Techniques Used By The Teacher To Develop Students’ English Reading Skills At Smp Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year: A Naturalistic Study.
ASTUTIK, INDAH HENDRI and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Nur Hidayat, M. Pd. ; A Subtitling Analysis Of Verb And Verb Phrase Found In The Magic Of Belle Isle.
AYU SULISTYO, DHANINGTYAS and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. and , Nur Hidayat, S.Pd. ; Love And Sacrifice: A Psychoanalytic Study On Catherin Anderson’s Sun Kissed Novel (2007).
Abdullah, Id Haruddin Hanif and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M.Hum ; The study of turn-taking In jane eyre movie 2011.
Adyatama, Bagus Surya ; Greed For Money In Scott Smith’s A Simple Plan (1993): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Afani, Meisinta Nur and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Nur Hidayat, S.Pd, M.Pd ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning For The Teaching Of English At Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year Research Paper.
Afrelia, Prehatin and , Dr. M Thoyibi, M.S and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Social Mobility In Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders (1722): A Marxist Approach.
Agistina, Arum and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, MS and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum ; The Need For Sacrifice In Law Enforcement In John Grisham’s The Racketeer ;: A Sociological Approach.
Agus Prasetyo Nugroho, Mr. Alief ; An Analysis On English Textbook Pathway To English For The First Year Student Of Senior High School Based On 2013 Curriculum.
Agustina, Tri and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; Error Analysis in Writing Recount Text by The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta Academic Year of 2015/2016.
Aji Muhriffin, Fachruddin and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho, M. Hum. ; Social Discrimination Reflected In Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Questions Of Red Novel ;: A Marxistapproach.
Akbar, Muhammad Kharisma and , Dr. Dwi Harjanti M. Hum ; An Analysis of Subtitling Strategy Used in The Revenant Movie ;.
Akbareti, Devi and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Autism Reflected in Jodi Picoult’s House Rules ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Amalia, Dinar Rizqi ; Learner Errors In Writing Descriptive Text Made By Students Of Smp Al Islam Kartasura.
Amrina, Nur Wahidah Ullya ; Superstition In Mark Twain’s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn (1884). Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Anam, Zahrul and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd, M.Ed. ; Social Discrimination Reflected in Veronica Roth’s Divergent ;: Marxist Theory. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Andina, Ayu and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; “Classroom Techniques To Develop Students’ English Reading Skills: A Naturalistic Study At Smp Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta”.
Anggrantasari, Dini Inge and , Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D ; Naturalistic Study On Communication Strategy Used By Second Semester Students In Speaking Class Of English Education Department Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Anitasari, Wulan Septi and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd and , NurHidayat, M.Pd ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning In Teaching Reading At The First Year Of MTs Al Islam Mranggen In 2014/2015 Academic Year.
Anoraga, Ananda Dhira and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Rebellion Of Osvald Alving Reflected In Henrik Ibsens Ghosts Drama (1881): Psychoanalytic Approach.
Apriliansyah, Richo Dwi and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive Text of the Tenth Grade Year Students' of SMKN 6 Surakarta in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Ardiani, Adhe and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; An Error Analysis on Writing Recount Text Made by The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 3 Sawit Boyolali in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Arfiani, Dini ; Vision du Monde Reflected in Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul: Memories and the City (2005): A Postcolonial Approach.
Arga Kurniawan, Kancah Mandra Ac and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum ; Sociopragmatic Analysis Of Commissive Utterances Used In The Fault In Our Stars. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Ariani, Jessy Setya and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning For The Teaching English At SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Arifah, Meitasari Nur and , Aryati Prasetyarini, M.Pd. and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd,. M.Hum. ; The Types Of Corrective Feedback Implemented By The Teacher In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text To The Second Year Students Of SMP N 2 Baturetno.
Astriyani, Fitria and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Environmental Protection In John Green's Looking For Alaska Novel (2005): An Ecological Approach.
Astuti, Nanik Ayu and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Siti Fatimah, S. Pd M. Hum ; Instructional Design for Teaching Speaking Skill to the Eight Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surkarta in 2015/2016 Academic year: A Naturalistic Study.
Astutik, Puji and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Dr. Anam Sutopo, M. Hum ; Classroom Techniques Used In Vocabulary Development Activities In English Classroom: A Naturalistic Study At Mts Negeri Surakarta 2 In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Awalia, Diana and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti M. Hum. ; Translation Analysis Of Deixis In Pasung Jiwa Novel Into Bound By Okky Madasari Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Azhari, Rifki Adhin and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; Subtitling Analysis Of Sentences In Everest Movie.
Choiriyah, Anna Eri and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Learning Strategies Used By The Students In Reading Class At SMP N 1 Kebakkramat In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Choiriyah, Irin Manila and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd and , Siti Fatimah, S. Pd, M. Hum ; Learning Strategies Used By Twelfth Year Students To Upgrade Their English For Facing National Examination Of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo Academic Year 2015-2016.
Chusna, Yosi Mareta Mutia and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Developing Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text: A Case Study In Sma Negeri 1 Wonosari.
DWI SULISTYOWATI, ENDAH and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum ; Social Class Reflected In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s A Little Princess Novel (1904): A Marxist Approach.
Damayanti, Ita and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Translation Analysis Of Subject Found In The Casual Vacancy Into Perebutan Kursi Kosong.
Damayanti, Tiara ; A Translation Analysis Of Noun Phrase In A Million Suns Into Sejuta Matahari By Barokah Ruziati.
Darussalam, Risal Yaniardi and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd, M.Ed. ; Social Classification Reflected in Anne Bronte’s Agnes Grey (1847): Marxist Theory. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Demastuti, Sagitha Litany and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; An Error Analysis In Writing Report Text Made By Students Of 9th Grade In Smp N 1 Gatak 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Dewi, Kartika Candra and , Dr. M. Thoyibi , M.S. and , Siti Fatimah , A M. Hum ; Victimization Reflected In John Grisham’s The Confession Novel ;: A Sociological Approach.
Dian Yusniati, Febriana and , Prof. Dr. EndangFauziati, M. Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini S.Pd., M. Pd. ; Type Of Reading Comprehension Question In English National Examination Of Senior High School In 2011-2015.
Djati, Erlangga and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum, M.Ed and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd., M.Hum. ; Unfaithfulness of Elida Wangel Reflected at Henrik Ibsen’s The Lady From The Sea 1888 a Psychoanalytic Approach.
Dwi Puspitasari, Linda ; A Translation Analysis of Adverbial Phrases in Angels and Demons Novel and by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno.
Dyah Ayu Malikha, Denissa and , Prof. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; Teacher Talk In English Teaching And Learning Process At SMA N 2 Klaten In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Dyah Rismawati, Rizki ; English and indonesian code-mixing in novel “marriage of convenience” (a sociolinguistic perspective).
Erawati, Menik and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd., M. Hum.,Ph.D ; The Implementation of Inquiry-Based Learning for Teaching English at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Estiyana, Aulia and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S.M.Hum ; Child Exploitation Reflected In Charles Dickens’oliver Twist Novel (1838): A Sociological Approach.
Etami, Karlina Arum and , Drs phil. Dewi Candraningrum, ; Different Class Reflected In Nicholas Spark’s The Best Of Me Novel (1976): A Marxist Approach.
Evaolita, Vrisca and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Qanitah Masykuroh, S.S., M.Hum ; Classroom Techniques Used By The Teacher To Develop Students’ English Writing Skill: A Naturalistic Study At Sman 1 Watumalang In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
FATIMAH, FITRI and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum. M. Ed and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Enmity Reflected in J. K. Rowlings The Casual Vacancy ;: an Individual Psychological Approach.
FAUZI, ARIFAH NURUL ; Struggle Against Tyranical Regime In Tolstoy’s Hadji Murad (1904): Marxist Criticism.
Fathin, Rannisa Elly and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; Naturalistic Study On Communication Strategy Used By Sixth Semester Students In Microteaching Class Of English Education Department Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Fauziyah, Diyah and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; The Influence of Death Awareness on Goal Achievement Reflected in Jenny Downham’s Novel Before I Die (2007).
Fithri H, Yuliana and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat,Ph.D ; Teaching And Learning Process Of Speaking At The Fourth Semester Of English Department Of UMS In 2016/2017 Academic Year. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Fitriawan, Galih ; Trauma Reflected At Okky Madasari’s Bound Novel;: A Psychoanalytic Approach. Thesis thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
HARTOMO, NOPA and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd., M. Hum.,Ph.D and , Nur Hidayat, S. Pd ; Strategies For Teaching Reading At The Second Grade Of Mts Muhammadiyah Blimbing In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Haffi, I Rhizal Umami and , Drs. Djoko Srijono M. Hum. ; A Descriptive Study On Teaching Speaking At The Tenth Grade Of Office Administration Department At SMK N 1 Banyudono In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Hanifah, Rizky and Candraningrum, S.Pd, Med, Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd, Med ; Imagination In Lucy Maud Montgomerys Novel Anne Of Green Gables (1908) : A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Hidayati, Noviyana and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; A Translation Analysis Of Unit Shift In A Study In Scarlet Sherlock Holmes Novel And Its Translation. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Hikmah, Nurul and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum, and , Hepy Adityarini, Ph.D, ; Naturalistic Study on Communication Strategies Used by Sixth Semester Students in Microteaching Class of English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Historiana, Dian Aulia ; Commissive Utterances In The Translation Of Islamic Holy Scripture Chapter Ash-Shu'ara (A Pragmatic Perspective).
Husna, Shabrina Nur and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Fear Reflected In John Green's The Fault In Our Stars ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
INDAH AYU PRATIWI, YULINDA and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum. and , Nur Hidayat, M. Pd ; Classroom Techniques Used By The Teacher In The Teaching Of English: A Naturalistic Study At SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
ISTIYANTI, ISTIYANTI and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Fatherhood Reflected In Danielle Steel's Winners Novel;: A Humanistic Psychological Approach.
Ichsan Raharjanto, Fadholi Ichsan and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D, ; Teachers Strategies In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text At Mts N Sukoharjo In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Ikhsan, Yudi Muhammad and , Dra. Phil Dewi Candraningrum, M. Ed and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd. M.Hum ; Victory in Jeffery EugenidesThe Virgin Suicides Novel (1993): A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Imroah, Zulfa Happy ; Freedom in Okky Madasari's Bound 2014: A Sociological Perspective. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammdiyah Surakarta.
Iskartika, Fasih and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Siti Fatimah, S. Pd, M. Hum ; A Translation Strategy Analysis Used In The Kite Runner Novel.
Isnaini, Neti and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti ,M. Hum ; A Subtitling Analysis On Elysium Movie By Sang Pangeran.
Istighfaroh, Melia ; Right of Child In Broken Home Family At Mitch Albom’s The First Phone Call From Heaven ; Novel: Individual Psychological Approach.
Istiqomah, Mufti and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd. M.Hum ; An Error Analysis In Writing Descriptive Text Made By Students At The 7th Grade In SMP N 1 Gatak In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
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Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Paling Di Cari
Fadhlillah, Khairina and , Dewi Candraningrum, Ph.D ; Dual Personality Of Dr. Jekyll In The Novel Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson: A Psychoanalitic Perspective.
Fakhomah, Desy Nur and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; An Analysis on English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris Based on Tomlinson's Theory.
Fitri Astuti, Sonia and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum. ; Politeness Strategies of Suggesting Utterances by the First Semester Students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Fitria, Indah Musfirotul and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; Coping With Difficulties In Teaching Speaking For Students Of Department Of English Education Of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta In 2016 Academic Year.
Fitria, Zakiyatul and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D. ; Teacher Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary to The Eighth Grade Students In Extracurricular Program At MTs N II Surakarta.
Gintarani, Tigar Gumilang Tian ; Social Mobility In Shaw’s Arms And The Man (1894):A Marxist Analysis.
HARJANTO, BAYU TRIWI and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho ; Anxiety Of Scrooge In Charles Dickens’s Novel A Christmas Carol And Other Holiday Treasures (1843): A Psychoanalytic Approach.
HIDAYAH, Hana Nur and , Dr. Muhammad Thoyibi, M. S., ; Influence Of Environment On Different Personality Of The Twins In Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl ;: A Behaviorism Perspective.
Handayani, Kinanthi Wahyu and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum. ; The Politeness Strategies of Criticizing Utterance by The Students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Handayani, Puspa tri and , Dr. Muhammad Thoyibi, M.S., ; Social Mobility Reflected In Anton Chekhov’sthe Cherry Orchard (1903): Marxist Approach.
Hanim, Anisa Silfia and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto M.A., Ph.D. ; Impoliteness Used In Ted Movie.
Harrifqi Sami, M. Sulthanuddin and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Strategies Applied By Students To Cope With The Problems In Listening Class : A Case Study In Department Of English Education Of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta In 2017 Academic Year.
Hati, Pratiwi Indah Permata and , M.Hum Dr. Dwi Haryanti ; Analysis On Shift In English - Indonesian Subtitling Of Freedom Writers Film.
Indah Purwaningsih, Novita and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; Questions Used By The Characters In Frozen Movie Manuscript.
Indah Sukmawati, Cahyaningtyas and , Dr. Maryadi.MA ; A Contrastive Study Between British And American English: Morphological Perspective.
Indrianingsih, Elya and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum. ; A Pragmalinguistics Analysis of Anger Expressions in the Crime Movies.
Indriyani, Epin Tisna and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Criticism Against the High Rate of Divorce in Nicholas Sparks’s The Last Song (2009) Novel: A Sociological Perspective.
Jamilah, Siti Khusnul and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S, ; Homicide Phenomena Reflected In Patrick Suskind’s Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer Novel (1985): A Sociological Perspective.
Jati, Ambar and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M.Hum. ; Functional Analysis of Narrative Texts in Elementary School Textbook Fly with English.
Jati Sutami, Pebri and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; An Investigation Of Student’s Experience Joining English Tutorial Program (Etp) At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
KURNIAWATY, IMMA and , Nur Hidayat M.Pd. ; An Analysis Of Teacher’s Technique On Speaking Class At Second Grade Of SMP N 1 Karangdowo.
Kahar, Fitrah Abdul and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum ; Defense Mechanism Of Amba Reflected In Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Questions Of Red Novels ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Karismawati, Nunung and , Prof. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; Errors In Spoken Production Made By Accounting Department Students In English Tutorial Program (ETP) Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Kartini, Kartini and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S, ; The Importance Of Altruism For Happiness Of Others In Nicholas Sparks Dear John Novel (2006) : A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Khasanah, Dianita Nur and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; Teaching Speaking By Using Pictorial Flashcardsto The Seventh Grade Students Of Smp Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Khasnawati, Kharisma and , Titis Setyabudi, M. Hum, ; Social Discrimination Against Minority Reflected In Okky Madasari’s Novel The Outcast ;: A Marxist Analysis.
Khoiriyah, Nidaul and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; Woman Existence Reflected In Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Questions Of Red Novels ;: A Liberal Feminist Approach.
Khoirunnisa, Febrian Romadhonni and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; The Use Of Swear Words In Deadpool Movie: A Sociopragmatic Study.
Kholifah, Probo Swastikaning and , Fitri Kurniawan, M.Res.Ed ; Teaching Speaking Skill Through Debate To The Third Semester Of Undergraduate Students At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta In 2016/ 2017 Academic Year. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muuhammadiyah Surakarta.
Kismadi, Wendi Wiranata and , Dra. Muamaroh, M.Hum.,Ph.D ; A Subtitling Analysis On Expressive Utterance On The Born To Race Movie And Its Subtitling.
Kur'Anna, Vita and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; Intrasystem Shift Analysis In The Maze Runner Novel By Yunita Candra.
Kurniatun, Dewi and , Muamaroh, Ph.D and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Authentic Assessment In Writing Class For The Student Of 11TH Grade In SMA Al Firdaus And SMA N 2 Sukoharjo. Thesis thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Kurniawan, Muhammad Harry and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum ; Maleficent’s Depression In Change Of Personality: A Psychoanalytic Study On The Curse Of Maleficent Novel ;.
Kurniawati, Yulia and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. ; The Implementation of Task and Student's Response at The Tenth Grade of Senior High School in Prawira Marta, Kartasura. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Lestari, Leni and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Teaching Techniques Used By Teacher To Develop Students’ Vocabulary At The Second Grade Of Smp N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Lutfianto, Mochamad Rizal and , Dra. Malikatul Laila M.Hum ; An Analysis of Transitivity in the Song Lyrics from the Album 'Hotel California'.
Mar'atus Sholikhah, Ali and , Drs. Sigit Haryanto, M.Hum ; The Characteristic of Base Attached by Affixes {-ion, -tion, -ation, -sion} in Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary New Edition.
Maulana, Rifki and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M. Hum, ; A Semantic Analysis of Metaphor Found in Selected Lyrics of “The Script”, “Katy Perry”, and “Michael BublĂ©”.
Maurilla, Azhari Kurnia Dewi and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum ; Rebellion Reflected In The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel (2008-2010) By Suzanne Collins : A Marxist Approach.
Milda, Titis Alycia and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; The Defense Mechanism of Mildred Baldwin in Eugene O'Neill's Recklessness (1913): a Psychoanalytic Approach.
Mujtahid, Nito Majid and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed ; Behavior Control Reflected In Okky Madasari’s The Years Of The Voiceless Novel ;: An Individual Psychological Approach.
Mulia Dewi, Erlita and , Prof. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning For The Teaching Of English At SMA N 2 Klaten In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Mulyandari, Wredhatri and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M. Hum, ; Turn Taking Analysis In ‘Pitch Perfect 1’ Movie 2012.
Mulyani, Sri and , Dewi Candraningrum, Ph.D ; Virginity Reflected in Ayu Utami's Saman Novel (1998): A Feminist Approach.
Munawaroh, Siti and , Nur Hidayat S.Pd., M.Pd., ; The Strategies Used By The Teacher In Developing Students’ Confidence In Speaking Skill In Grade 8 Of Warga Junior High School Surakarta 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Mustikawati, Nawang and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; Students’ Perceptions of Writing Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Sambi Boyolali in 2016/2017 Academic Year : Descriptive Qualitative Approach.
Ningsih, Ayu Mustika and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M. Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini S.Pd., M.Pd ; A Translation Shift Of Verb Phrase In The Giver Novel And Its Translation.
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Nisa, Kamilatun and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; A Call For Concern In Global Warming In Jostein Gaarder's The World According to Anna Novel ;: A Sociological Perspective.
Novia Adella, Rizka and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Code Of Chivalry In Knut Hamsun’s Hunger Novel (1921): A Sociological Analysis.
Nugraheni, Fitrilia Ayu and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Teacher's Techniques For Developing Students' Grammatical Ability At Eleventh Grade Of Sma N 1 Cepogo.
Nugroho, Dwi Yuli and , Dr. Muhammad Thoyibi, M.S ; Protest Against Oppression Reflected In Sandra Brown’s Rainwater Novel (2009): A Sociological Approach.
Nugroho, Eko and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum., ; An Analysis Of Complaining Strategies Used By The Characters In The Film Entitled Ender’s Game.
Nur Alvianty, Nierma Yuniar and , Dra. Muamaroh, M.Hum.,Ph.D ; An Analysis Subtitling Strategy of Interrogative Sentence Used in The Pursuit of Happyness Movie.
Nur Hidayati, Farida and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; Process Of Teaching Writing To Prospective Teachers At The Fourth Semester Of Department Of English Education At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Nuraeni, Anis and Dr. Maryadi, Dr. Maryadi M.A ; Figurative Language In The Poems Of Jalaluddin Rumi : A Sociolinguistic Perspective.
Nuraini, Sholihah Dwi and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum ; Politeness Strategies Of Inviting Utterances By English Department Students Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Nurhasanah, Hanifah and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M. Ed, ; Hypocrisy of Victorian Morality Reflected In A Woman Of No Importance (1893)By Oscar Wilde: A Sociological Approach.
Nurhayati, Eka and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S., ; Child Perspective Of The World Reflected In Emma Donoghue's Room ; Novel: A Sociological Approach.
Nurjanah, Niftah and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho, M. Hum. ; Weird Behaviour of Peter: An Existentialist study on Jostein Gaarder's The Ringmaster's Daughter Novel (2001).
Oktaviana, Choiril Berlian and , Fitri Kurniawan M.Ed.Res. ; Phenomenological Investigation on the Academic Experience of International Palestinian Student Studying at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Oriza, Fatma Rochmalia and , Qanitah Masykuroh, S.S., M.Hum ; The Depiction Of Islamic Princess In Children’s Books: A Transitivity Analysis.
PRATIWI, RISKA ENDAH and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Woman As A Rational Being In Thomas Hardy’s Far From The Madding Crowd (1874): A Feminist Approach.
Panggah Widodo, Muhamad and Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum,, S.Pd., M.Ed. ; “Hermaphrodite Reflected In Jennifer Eugenides’s Middlesex (2002): A Queer Approach”.
Permatasari, Afelia Intan and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum. ; A Socio-pragmatic Analysis of Women Expressive Utterances in Bad Moms Movie.
Permatasari, Mei Intan and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Cultural Change Reflected In Arthur Miller s Death Of A Salesman Drama (1949): A Sociological Approach.
Prajayani, Sevina Anindia and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Improving Quality of Life in Mitch Albom's Memoir: Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, A Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson (2006): Humanistic Psychological Perspectives.
Prasetyani, Nur and , Nur Hidayat M.Pd ; Techniques Used by the Teacher in Teaching Reading to the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatisrono.
Prasetyaningtyas, Puspita Mahardhika and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum., ; Pragmatic Analysis Of Expressive Utterances In Aristocratic Drama Manuscript.
Prasetyo, Dwi and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Determination For Getting Justice In Jackie Collins’s The Love Killer Novel (1989):A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Prastiwi, Eistiyah and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum, E, Mdas ; Anxiety Of Saman In Ayu Utami’s Saman Novel (1998): A Psychoanalytic Approch.
Pratama, Dicky Aditya and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D ; A Naturalistic Study Of Teaching Writing To The Eighth Grade Students In SMP N 1 Sambi 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Pratiwi, Ajeng and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum , S.Pd., M.Ed ; Single Parenthood Reflected At The Kite Runner Novel By Khaled Hosseini (2003): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Pratiwi, Ariyani and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S., ; Influence Of Parenting Style On The Developmentof Adolescentpersonality Reflected In J.K Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy ;: A Behaviourist Approach.
Pratiwi, Mutia and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; A Pragmatic Equivalence Analysis of Speech Acts in Zootopia Movie and Its Subtitling.
Pratiwi, Wenny and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; The Effect of PowerPoint Presentation Based on the Students' Score in Grammatical Competence to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Simo.
Puji Astuti, Purwanti and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Cooperative Script: A Collaborative Research At The Eight Grade Of SMP N 1 Nguter In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Puji Lestari, Endang and , Dr. M. Thoyibi M.S ; Readers’ Expectation To Movie Adaptation: Reader Response Analysis On Nick Cassavetes My Sister’s Keeper Movie (2009).
Pujiyanti, Tri and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto M.A., Ph.D. ; Imperatives Used By The Characters In Captain America Movie.
Purbasari, Grafika Faradina and , Drs. Sridjono, M.Hum ; Developing Listening Skill Using Video Of The Twelveth Grade Students At MAN Purwodadi In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Puspitasari, Dara and , Prof.Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; An Analysis Of Communication Strategies Used By English Tutorial Program Students In Speaking Class: Naturalistic Study At Departement Of Accounting Education At Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Puspitasari, Firda Budi and , Titis Setyabudi S.S., M.Hum ; The Motivation To Chase A Dream Of Main Character In The Novel The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho (1988): Individual Psychology Analysis.
Putri, Arditasari and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; An Analysis Of Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text At Etp’s Students Of Accounting Education.
Putri, Grahita Mahardina and , Dr. Dwi Harjanti, M.Hum ; A Subtitling Analysis Of The Girl On The Train ; Movie.
Putri, Hj. Fadilah Harahab and , Titis Setyabudi, M.Hum ; The Meaning Of Love Reflected In Nichola Sparks s Dear John Novel (2006) A Psychoanalytic Analysis.
RAHAYUNINGTYAS, SUSI PURWATI and , Mr. Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum ; Holly’s Struggle For A Better Life : An Individual Psychological Study On Ahern’s Novel P.S. I Love You .
Rachmanzah, Gillang Nur and , Aryati Prasetyarini , S. Pd, M. Pd. and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M. Hum ; Learners Perspective On The Teaching Techniques Apllied By The Native And Non-Native Teachers In English Department Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta In 2014/2015 Academic Year.
Rahayu, Retno and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M.Hum ; An Analysis of Theme on Selected Taylor Swift's Song Lyrics.
Rahayu, Titis Sri and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Katnis Everdeen’s Ambition In The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel (2008 – 2010) By Suzanne Collins: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Rahayuni, Meria Indah and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; Struggle To Tell The Truth: An Individual Psychological Study On The Girl On The Train Novel.
Rahayuningsih, Ibnu Dwy and , Titis Setyabudi, M. Hum ; Racial Injustice Reflected In Haper Lee’s Go Set A Watchman Novel ;: A Marxist Criticism.
Rahmawati, Andriana and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho. M. Hum ; Pro-Westernization Reflected In Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul Memoir (2003) : A Post-Colonial Approach.
Rejiansyah, Irfan and , Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Phil. Dr. ; Rebellion Reflected In Veronica Roth’s Divergent ;: A Marxist Theory.
Renaldi, Andhika and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. ; The Defense Mechanism of Ivan Petrovich Voynitsky In Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya Script (1899): A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Rieza, Nia and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; The Translation Shift Analysis Of Verb Phrase Of The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho.
Rinna, Gendhis Af and , Titis SetyaBudi, S. S., M.Hum ; Existence Of Human Being As Reflected In Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man And The Sea Novel (1952): An Existentialist Approach.
Rofiah, NUr and , Dr. Anam Sutopo ; A Subtitle Analysis Of Direction Utterances In Insidious Movie.
Romadani, Putri and , Aryati Prasetyarini,S.Pd, M.Pd and , Hepy Adityarini, Ph.D, ; Process Of The Teaching Speaking In Power Speaking Program At “Gama English Course”.
Ros, Febrya Isyana and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S., ; Criticism Of Social Injustice Reflected In Victor Hugo's Les Miserables(1862):A Sociological Approach.
Rusharyani, Aprilia Aldear and , Dewi Candraningrum, Ph.D ; The Aspect Of Lesbianism Of Celie Reflected In Alice Walker The Color Purple Novel (1982): A Feminist Approach.
SINTA ARDANARI, MARIA and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; A Phenomenological Study On How Student Experience And Perception “The Internship Program” At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
SRI UTAMI, MELATI and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph. D ; English Teaching Techniques Used by the Sixth Semester Students of DEE UMS in Microteaching Class.
SULASMI, Sulasmi and , Aryati Prasetyarini S. Pd, M. Pd ; Good English Teacher Characteristics As Perceived By The Seventh Semester Students Of English Education Departement, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Santosa, Aulia Wahyu and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; The Subtitling Analysis Of Expressive Utterances In Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie.
Saputra, Aprian Dwi and , Dra.Sigit Haryanto,M.Hum ; Figurative Language Used In Begin Again Movie By John Carney.
Saputri, Devica Hilara Pingkan and , Dewi Candraningrum,Phil. ; Motherhood Reflected in Veronica Roth's Divergent Novel ;: A Feminist Perspective. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Saputri, Weni and , Drs. Sigit Haryanto,M.Hum ; A Pragmatic Analysis Of Directive Utterances Found In Holy Qur'an Chapter Al- Mu'minun.
Saraswati, Shalindri and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; Strategies Applied By English Teacher To Encourage Students To Speak At Tenth Grade Of Senior High School 3 Sukoharjo In Academic Year 2016/2017.
Sari, Nur Ria and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Teaching Strategies Used By Tutor In English Tutorial Program (ETP) For Students At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Saroh, Lina Mey and , Drs. Agus Budi Wahyudi, M.Hum. ; Partisipan, Bentuk Dan Unsur Dalam Testimoni Dan Implementasinya Sebagai Materi Ajar Bahasa Indonesia.
Satiti Hapsari, Tia and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. and , Siti Fatimah, M. Hum. ; The Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Speaking To The Eighth Grade Students At Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Sekarsari, Giandira and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. ; Teacher’s Feedback Technique In Teaching Descriptive Text To The Eight Grade Students Of SMP N 2 Banyudono In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Sharliz, Alifea Asanuary and , Prof. Dr. Hj. Endang Fauziati ; Classroom Interaction In English Speaking Class: A Naturalistic Study At Queen English Course Karanganyar.
Sholechah, Nuraini ridi and , Nur Hidayat M.Pd. ; The Effectiveness Of Using Think, Talk, Write (Ttw) In Teaching Writing Skill To The Seventh Grade Student Of Mts N 2 Surakarta.
Sofyan Susanto, Ali and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd., M.Pd. ; An Analysis Of Descriptive Text Written By The 8th Grade Students Of Smp 1 Muhammadiyah Pati In 2015/2016 Academic Year. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Bahasa Inggris.
Suciati, Ananda Titis and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Protest Against Child Bullying In Rainbow Rowells’ Eleanor & Park ;: A Sociological Perspective.
Sudamtoko, Hemix Gatut and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; The Need For Kepping Hope Reflected In Mitch Albom s The First Phone Call From Heaven ; Sociological Approach.
Sulistya Pambudi, Wahyu and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. ; Classroom Techniques In Teaching Speaking To The 7th Grade Students Of Smp N 2 Banyudono In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Sundari, Eka and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi,M.Hum ; Implicature Of Request Expressions In Animation Movie Script Entitled Finding Nemo.
Susanti, Irma Febri and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S, M.Hum. ; The Courage Of Nick Reflected In Lisa Kleypes’s Worth Any Price Novel (2003) : An Individual Psychological Approach.
Tafsir, Muhammad and , Dr. Maryadi, M.A. ; Commanding Utterances Used In The Noble Qur’an Chapter Ta-Ha: A Pragmatic Perspective.
Taqwawan, Fathoni Saktia and , Dra. Muamaroh, M.Hum., Ph.D ; A Subtitling Analysis of Transactional Speech in The Last Samurai Movie.
Taufiq, Yaumil Amalia and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; The Use of Taboo Words in War Dogs movie ;: A Sociopragmatic Study.
Tiyana, Nino Daisy and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed, ; English Teaching Understood By Teacher Of Inclusive Class “A Phenomenological Approach”.
Tri Lutfia Fefrilia, Andan and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum., ; Struggle Against Cancer Reflected In John Green’s The Fault In Our Star Novel ;:An Individual Psychological Approach.
Trijayanti, Whenny and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Anxiety Reflected In Gillian Flynn’s Dark Places (2009): A Psychoanalytic Perspective.
Usroh, Laila Najmatul and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; Subtitling strategies Use In American Ultra ; Movie By Wiji Joko.
Utami, Putri and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Love Affair Reflected In Paula Hawkins’ The Girl On The Train ;: A Psychoanalytic Study.
Wahyu Hidayat, Irfan and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; The Techniques For Teaching Vocabulary At SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta In 2016-2017 Academic Year.
Wahyulistyono, Jendro and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Racial Conflict In Michael Punke’s The Revenant Novel (2002): A Sociological Perspective.
Wahyuni, Sri and Titis Setyabudi,, Titis Setyabudi, S.S.,M.Hum ; Love And Hope Reflected In Gayle Forman’s If I Stay Novel (2009):An Individual Psychological Approach.
Wahyuningsih, Ita Setyo and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Bullying Reflected In Okky Madasari’s Bound Novel ;: A Psychoanalytic Analysis.
Wardani, Lasmitha and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Methods of Teaching and Learning Process in English Tutorial Program (ETP) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Wardhana, Bayu and , Dr. M. Thoyibi. M.S. ; Coping With Children Bullying Reflected In Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist(1838): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Widayat, Ilham and Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum ; Struggle For Life Of The Major Character In Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes (2009): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Widayat, Paramitha Fitriana and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; The Application of Guided Writing To Enhance Ability in Writing Procedure Texts of the Eleventh Grade Students at SMK Kosgoro 1 Sragen in 2016/ 2017 Academic Year.
Widiawanti, Wiwit and , Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; The Illocutionary Meanings Of Questions In Life Is Beautiful Movie.
Widiawati, Faradita and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. ; Power Relations Reflected In George Bernard Shaw’s Drama Caesar And Cleopatra (1898):A Sociological Approach.
Widyastuti, Anggi and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S.,M.Hum ; The Absurdity Of Being As Reflected In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis Novella (1915): An Existentialism Approach.
Widyastuti, Novia Rekno ; Portrayal of Muslim Community and Culture Reflected in Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist (1988): A Sociological Approach Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Wiharyanti, Hanik and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S.,M.Hum ; Behavior Disorder Of Rachel Reflected In Paula Hawkins The Girl On The Train ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Willyadrian, Renalda and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum. ; Translation Techniques Of Ellipsis In Conversation Found In The Twilight Novel By Lily Devita Sari.
Windya Putri Rezqiana, Dwieke and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; Interreligious Friendship Reflected In John Green’s An Abundance Of katherines(2006): A Sociological Approach.
Wulandari, Hikmah and , Titis Setyabudi, S.Si., M.A ; The Spirit Of Survival Of Mark Watney Reflected In Andy Weir’s The Martian Novel ;: An Individual Psychologystudy.
Wuryantini, Yuni and , Drs. Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D ; Politeness Strategy Of Request Used In “You’ve Got Mail” Movie.
Yuliawan, Dwi Nanda and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Human Rights Reflected in Flowers for Algernon (1966) Novel by Daniel Keyes: A Sociological Approach.
Yusenda, Martha and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M.Hum ; A Pragmatic Analysis Of Commissive Utterance Used In Republican Debate In Miami On March 10, 2016.
Yusitasari, Ita Auliya ; The Politeness Strategy of Directive Utterances Used by the Students in Sahid Tourism Institute of Surakarta: A Pragmatic Perspective. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Yusra, Ahmad and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Freedom to Choose Reflected In Okky Madasari’s Bound Novel ;: An Existentialism Approach.
Zulfa, Nisa'u and , Fitri Kurniawan, M. Res, Ed., ; Demotivation To Learn English Among Senior High School Student At Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 8 Surakarta.
, Fitriasari and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Classroom Techniques Used By The Teacher To Develop Students’ English Reading Skills At Smp Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year: A Naturalistic Study.
ASTUTIK, INDAH HENDRI and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Nur Hidayat, M. Pd. ; A Subtitling Analysis Of Verb And Verb Phrase Found In The Magic Of Belle Isle.
AYU SULISTYO, DHANINGTYAS and , Dr. Abdillah Nugroho, M.Hum. and , Nur Hidayat, S.Pd. ; Love And Sacrifice: A Psychoanalytic Study On Catherin Anderson’s Sun Kissed Novel (2007).
Abdullah, Id Haruddin Hanif and , Dra. Malikatul Laila, M.Hum ; The study of turn-taking In jane eyre movie 2011.
Adyatama, Bagus Surya ; Greed For Money In Scott Smith’s A Simple Plan (1993): An Individual Psychological Approach.
Afani, Meisinta Nur and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Nur Hidayat, S.Pd, M.Pd ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning For The Teaching Of English At Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year Research Paper.
Afrelia, Prehatin and , Dr. M Thoyibi, M.S and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Social Mobility In Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders (1722): A Marxist Approach.
Agistina, Arum and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, MS and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum ; The Need For Sacrifice In Law Enforcement In John Grisham’s The Racketeer ;: A Sociological Approach.
Agus Prasetyo Nugroho, Mr. Alief ; An Analysis On English Textbook Pathway To English For The First Year Student Of Senior High School Based On 2013 Curriculum.
Agustina, Tri and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; Error Analysis in Writing Recount Text by The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta Academic Year of 2015/2016.
Aji Muhriffin, Fachruddin and , Dr. Abdilah Nugroho, M. Hum. ; Social Discrimination Reflected In Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Questions Of Red Novel ;: A Marxistapproach.
Akbar, Muhammad Kharisma and , Dr. Dwi Harjanti M. Hum ; An Analysis of Subtitling Strategy Used in The Revenant Movie ;.
Akbareti, Devi and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Autism Reflected in Jodi Picoult’s House Rules ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Amalia, Dinar Rizqi ; Learner Errors In Writing Descriptive Text Made By Students Of Smp Al Islam Kartasura.
Amrina, Nur Wahidah Ullya ; Superstition In Mark Twain’s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn (1884). Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Anam, Zahrul and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd, M.Ed. ; Social Discrimination Reflected in Veronica Roth’s Divergent ;: Marxist Theory. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Andina, Ayu and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; “Classroom Techniques To Develop Students’ English Reading Skills: A Naturalistic Study At Smp Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta”.
Anggrantasari, Dini Inge and , Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D ; Naturalistic Study On Communication Strategy Used By Second Semester Students In Speaking Class Of English Education Department Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Anitasari, Wulan Septi and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd and , NurHidayat, M.Pd ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning In Teaching Reading At The First Year Of MTs Al Islam Mranggen In 2014/2015 Academic Year.
Anoraga, Ananda Dhira and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Rebellion Of Osvald Alving Reflected In Henrik Ibsens Ghosts Drama (1881): Psychoanalytic Approach.
Apriliansyah, Richo Dwi and , Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. ; Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive Text of the Tenth Grade Year Students' of SMKN 6 Surakarta in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Ardiani, Adhe and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; An Error Analysis on Writing Recount Text Made by The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 3 Sawit Boyolali in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Arfiani, Dini ; Vision du Monde Reflected in Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul: Memories and the City (2005): A Postcolonial Approach.
Arga Kurniawan, Kancah Mandra Ac and , Dra. Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, M. Hum ; Sociopragmatic Analysis Of Commissive Utterances Used In The Fault In Our Stars. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Ariani, Jessy Setya and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd ; The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning For The Teaching English At SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Arifah, Meitasari Nur and , Aryati Prasetyarini, M.Pd. and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd,. M.Hum. ; The Types Of Corrective Feedback Implemented By The Teacher In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text To The Second Year Students Of SMP N 2 Baturetno.
Astriyani, Fitria and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Environmental Protection In John Green's Looking For Alaska Novel (2005): An Ecological Approach.
Astuti, Nanik Ayu and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Siti Fatimah, S. Pd M. Hum ; Instructional Design for Teaching Speaking Skill to the Eight Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surkarta in 2015/2016 Academic year: A Naturalistic Study.
Astutik, Puji and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Dr. Anam Sutopo, M. Hum ; Classroom Techniques Used In Vocabulary Development Activities In English Classroom: A Naturalistic Study At Mts Negeri Surakarta 2 In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Awalia, Diana and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti M. Hum. ; Translation Analysis Of Deixis In Pasung Jiwa Novel Into Bound By Okky Madasari Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Azhari, Rifki Adhin and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum ; Subtitling Analysis Of Sentences In Everest Movie.
Choiriyah, Anna Eri and , Nur Hidayat, M.Pd ; Learning Strategies Used By The Students In Reading Class At SMP N 1 Kebakkramat In 2016/2017 Academic Year.
Choiriyah, Irin Manila and , Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd, M.Pd and , Siti Fatimah, S. Pd, M. Hum ; Learning Strategies Used By Twelfth Year Students To Upgrade Their English For Facing National Examination Of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo Academic Year 2015-2016.
Chusna, Yosi Mareta Mutia and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Developing Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text: A Case Study In Sma Negeri 1 Wonosari.
DWI SULISTYOWATI, ENDAH and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum ; Social Class Reflected In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s A Little Princess Novel (1904): A Marxist Approach.
Damayanti, Ita and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; Translation Analysis Of Subject Found In The Casual Vacancy Into Perebutan Kursi Kosong.
Damayanti, Tiara ; A Translation Analysis Of Noun Phrase In A Million Suns Into Sejuta Matahari By Barokah Ruziati.
Darussalam, Risal Yaniardi and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd, M.Ed. ; Social Classification Reflected in Anne Bronte’s Agnes Grey (1847): Marxist Theory. Skripsi thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Demastuti, Sagitha Litany and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; An Error Analysis In Writing Report Text Made By Students Of 9th Grade In Smp N 1 Gatak 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Dewi, Kartika Candra and , Dr. M. Thoyibi , M.S. and , Siti Fatimah , A M. Hum ; Victimization Reflected In John Grisham’s The Confession Novel ;: A Sociological Approach.
Dian Yusniati, Febriana and , Prof. Dr. EndangFauziati, M. Hum and , Aryati Prasetyarini S.Pd., M. Pd. ; Type Of Reading Comprehension Question In English National Examination Of Senior High School In 2011-2015.
Djati, Erlangga and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum, M.Ed and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd., M.Hum. ; Unfaithfulness of Elida Wangel Reflected at Henrik Ibsen’s The Lady From The Sea 1888 a Psychoanalytic Approach.
Dwi Puspitasari, Linda ; A Translation Analysis of Adverbial Phrases in Angels and Demons Novel and by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno.
Dyah Ayu Malikha, Denissa and , Prof. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum ; Teacher Talk In English Teaching And Learning Process At SMA N 2 Klaten In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Dyah Rismawati, Rizki ; English and indonesian code-mixing in novel “marriage of convenience” (a sociolinguistic perspective).
Erawati, Menik and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd., M. Hum.,Ph.D ; The Implementation of Inquiry-Based Learning for Teaching English at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Estiyana, Aulia and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S.M.Hum ; Child Exploitation Reflected In Charles Dickens’oliver Twist Novel (1838): A Sociological Approach.
Etami, Karlina Arum and , Drs phil. Dewi Candraningrum, ; Different Class Reflected In Nicholas Spark’s The Best Of Me Novel (1976): A Marxist Approach.
Evaolita, Vrisca and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Qanitah Masykuroh, S.S., M.Hum ; Classroom Techniques Used By The Teacher To Develop Students’ English Writing Skill: A Naturalistic Study At Sman 1 Watumalang In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
FATIMAH, FITRI and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum. M. Ed and , Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M. Hum ; Enmity Reflected in J. K. Rowlings The Casual Vacancy ;: an Individual Psychological Approach.
FAUZI, ARIFAH NURUL ; Struggle Against Tyranical Regime In Tolstoy’s Hadji Murad (1904): Marxist Criticism.
Fathin, Rannisa Elly and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum ; Naturalistic Study On Communication Strategy Used By Sixth Semester Students In Microteaching Class Of English Education Department Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Fauziyah, Diyah and , Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S ; The Influence of Death Awareness on Goal Achievement Reflected in Jenny Downham’s Novel Before I Die (2007).
Fithri H, Yuliana and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat,Ph.D ; Teaching And Learning Process Of Speaking At The Fourth Semester Of English Department Of UMS In 2016/2017 Academic Year. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Fitriawan, Galih ; Trauma Reflected At Okky Madasari’s Bound Novel;: A Psychoanalytic Approach. Thesis thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
HARTOMO, NOPA and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd., M. Hum.,Ph.D and , Nur Hidayat, S. Pd ; Strategies For Teaching Reading At The Second Grade Of Mts Muhammadiyah Blimbing In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Haffi, I Rhizal Umami and , Drs. Djoko Srijono M. Hum. ; A Descriptive Study On Teaching Speaking At The Tenth Grade Of Office Administration Department At SMK N 1 Banyudono In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Hanifah, Rizky and Candraningrum, S.Pd, Med, Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd, Med ; Imagination In Lucy Maud Montgomerys Novel Anne Of Green Gables (1908) : A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Hidayati, Noviyana and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D ; A Translation Analysis Of Unit Shift In A Study In Scarlet Sherlock Holmes Novel And Its Translation. Skripsi thesis, Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.
Hikmah, Nurul and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.Hum, and , Hepy Adityarini, Ph.D, ; Naturalistic Study on Communication Strategies Used by Sixth Semester Students in Microteaching Class of English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
Historiana, Dian Aulia ; Commissive Utterances In The Translation Of Islamic Holy Scripture Chapter Ash-Shu'ara (A Pragmatic Perspective).
Husna, Shabrina Nur and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Fear Reflected In John Green's The Fault In Our Stars ;: A Psychoanalytic Approach.
INDAH AYU PRATIWI, YULINDA and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum. and , Nur Hidayat, M. Pd ; Classroom Techniques Used By The Teacher In The Teaching Of English: A Naturalistic Study At SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
ISTIYANTI, ISTIYANTI and , Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed. ; Fatherhood Reflected In Danielle Steel's Winners Novel;: A Humanistic Psychological Approach.
Ichsan Raharjanto, Fadholi Ichsan and , Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D, ; Teachers Strategies In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text At Mts N Sukoharjo In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
Ikhsan, Yudi Muhammad and , Dra. Phil Dewi Candraningrum, M. Ed and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd. M.Hum ; Victory in Jeffery EugenidesThe Virgin Suicides Novel (1993): A Psychoanalytic Approach.
Imroah, Zulfa Happy ; Freedom in Okky Madasari's Bound 2014: A Sociological Perspective. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammdiyah Surakarta.
Iskartika, Fasih and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum and , Siti Fatimah, S. Pd, M. Hum ; A Translation Strategy Analysis Used In The Kite Runner Novel.
Isnaini, Neti and , Dr. Dwi Haryanti ,M. Hum ; A Subtitling Analysis On Elysium Movie By Sang Pangeran.
Istighfaroh, Melia ; Right of Child In Broken Home Family At Mitch Albom’s The First Phone Call From Heaven ; Novel: Individual Psychological Approach.
Istiqomah, Mufti and , Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M. Hum and , Siti Fatimah, S.Pd. M.Hum ; An Error Analysis In Writing Descriptive Text Made By Students At The 7th Grade In SMP N 1 Gatak In 2015/2016 Academic Year.
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